Most people in Myanmar, both men and women, wear what they call a longyi, a skirt that goes down to the ankles. The men knot theirs in a special way at the front, whereas women tie theirs to the side. They come in every colour and pattern imaginable.
Men in longyis
Women in longyis (can you spot the foreigner?)
My all-time favourite: COUPLES in longyis!
I'd seen a bit of this in Thailand but nowhere near as much as in Myanmar. Thanaka is made from the sandalwood tree and is used primarily by women and children as sunscreen. Some people use it solely on their cheeks, others cover their entire faces and some even put it on their arms.
Thanaka, waiting to be purchased at the market
How it looks once applied (once again, can you spot the foreigner?)
One of the first things you will notice upon arriving in Myanmar is the red-stained teeth many people have. Their teeth get this way from chewing betel, a kind of nut (with narcotic effects) wrapped in a vine leaf. It's definitely a more common habit amongst men but some women chew it too. So many people do it that walking around town becomes somewhat of a hazard - watch for spitters!
Rolling the leaves
A monk with reddish teeth
Is there anything more fascinating than seeing and learning about the customs and cultural differences around the world?!