
"The world is full of people who will go their whole lives and not actually live one day. She did not intend on being one of them."

 Seoul, South Korea

Hi, I'm Alex! 

Provence, France
I love learning/attempting to speak
foreign languages, I laugh constantly, if I see a dog in the street I will always stop to pet it, and I love to travel!

Born in California and raised in Vancouver, Canada, I got bit by the travel bug when I was 15 after spending two weeks in El Salvador. It was then I realized just how incredible travel actually is, allowing you not only to see various amazing places but to have eye-opening experiences and meet new people, all while gaining a greater understanding and appreciation for foreign cultures and different ways of life.

Marrakech, Morocco

When I was 20 I got my first taste of long-term travel while studying abroad in France for a year, during which time I saw as much of Western Europe and Morocco as I could.

After finishing university I knew I wanted to travel some more. I worked for a while to save up as much money as I could, which allowed me to spend a year traveling, working and volunteering around Asia, Australia and Fiji. I briefly returned back home to Canada, only to decide I wanted to hit the road again, which is where I am now.

I'm currently living in the UK with this pretty awesome British guy I met back in Cambodia.

I keep this blog to be able to reflect on my experiences and share thoughts, photos and any tips I may pick up along the way.



TrekkerTrail said...

I really like your taste of adventure. This blog is such an amazing inspiration. Keep travelling & sharing. Great blog!

Wondering and Wandering said...

I really appreciate the positive feedback, I'm so glad you find it inspiring! Thanks so much for reading!

Dan (The Stupid Foreigner) said...

Hey, really nice blog. I wish I could have started mine before my long term travelling had of started, trust me you will be able to give so much more detail as and when it's happening! Feel free to drop by my blog and say hi if you like too ;) thestupidforeigner.com

Wondering and Wandering said...

Thanks Dan! Yeah, glad I started it right away, I love looking back at old posts. Definitely going to check out your blog! Thanks for reading :)