Friday, May 23, 2014

We Are Pleased To Inform You...

... that you have been accepted to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London!

Our time in London went by faster than you can say 'Quidditch'! Ben and I took the Eurostar from Paris last Friday (something I've always wanted to do, although to be honest it was just your standard train journey) and met up with my family that same afternoon. The five of us had a great time exploring London for a few days. I've been to London a couple of times before so I had seen a lot of the main 'touristy' things already, but one thing I hadn't done was the Harry Potter Studio Tour. My sister Olivia and I are both long-time Harry Potter fans (we got hooked around 1998 when our mom began reading them to us at bedtime) and were both very keen to see where the magic (literally) happened.

The tour definitely delivered: We got to see the original sets, costumes, props, you name it. I even got to taste Butterbeer, something I've been wanting to try for pretty much ever. Getting an actual acceptance letter to Hogwarts over a decade ago would have been the best case scenario, but taking a behind the scenes studio tour was a close second. Plus, getting to spend the day with my sister was pretty awesome too!


The Great Hall

Everybody's wands!

Dumbledore's office

The Burrow

The Knight Bus

Enjoying a Butterbeer at Number 4 Privet Drive

Olivia looking out from the bridge

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