Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Gday Mate!

After a couple of days in Bangkok spent shopping for cheap goods, having drinks on Khao San Road, seeing an infamous ping pong show and having a mini-spa night with some lovely ladies from around the world, I’ve arrived in Melbourne, Australia!

Last night in Bangkok

So far pretty much everything in Melbourne reminds me of home, making it easy to like. The streets, buildings, restaurants, people and even the weather are all very similar to what you’d find in Vancouver. I’m currently staying at a hostel in St. Kilda, a pleasant beachfront community chock full of backpackers located just outside of the CBD (Central Business District, AKA downtown). Its numerous shops and cafes, plus the fact that it's right on the beach, gives it a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

While there are heaps of similarities between Vancouver and Melbourne, some things are going to take a bit of getting used to after spending so much time in SE Asia. I got so used to jaywalking in Vietnam that I'm now finding it difficult to wait for the little green man to show up before crossing the street and my jaw dropped a little when a bartender asked for $23 for two beers, a price that could have gotten me a week's accommodation in some places! While it's strange to find myself experiencing a sort of 'reverse' culture shock, I'm definitely enjoying many aspects of being back in a developed country that feels more like home, namely the lack of squat toilets!

I’m not sure how long I’ll be staying in Melbourne for but I can definitely see myself staying for a few months. I’m going to start applying for jobs next week so I’ll probably have a better idea if/when I get one.

Looking forward to seeing more of what this chapter of my trip has in store for me!

Luna Park in St. Kilda

St. Kilda beach


Autumn in May!

Southbank/Yarra River

First cultural experience in Aus: Vegemite!

P.S. If spread thinly, Vegemite gets two thumbs up from me!


Unknown said...

i miss melb!!

what was your verdict on vegemite? yay or nay?

Wondering and Wandering said...

I can see why! Come back so we can hang! And, yay :) I think it just takes a bit of getting used to! Enjoy seeing papa Steve!